Packet Capturing & Network Forensics Appliances
Because of ever-increasing threats, it is essential to capture all network data packets
This is the only way to guarantee full network transparency in order to detect threats at an early stage, to determine movement profiles of attackers already in the network (lateral movement) or to be able to carry out necessary security analyses. And this both in real time and with regard to historical data.
Packet Capture appliances, also known as Network Forensics appliances, enable the lossless capture of these network data packets in order to make them available to security tools such as (NTA) Network Traffic Analysis, (NDR) Network Detection & Response, (IDS) Intrusion Detection Systems, or (SIEM) Security Information and Event Management.
NEOXPacketFalcon Mini X
Packet Capture Appliance
The PacketFalcon Mini X is a portable and ultra-compact network forensics and packet capture appliance, providing permanent 24 x 7 access to 1G, 10G and 25G networks for detailed analysis, including forensic analysis of past events.
NEOXPacketFalcon Mini
Packet Capture Appliance
The PacketFalcon Mini is a portable and very compact network forensics and packet capture appliance, providing permanent 24 x 7 access to 1G, 10G and 25G networks for detailed analysis, including forensic analysis of past events.
NEOXPacketFalcon Portable
Packet Capture Appliance
The PacketFalcon is a portable and high-performance network forensics and packet capture appliance, providing 24 x 7 permanent access to 1G, 10G, 25G, 40G and 100G network media for detailed analysis, including forensic analysis of past events.
NEOXPacketFalcon Compact
Packet Capture Appliance
PacketFalcon Compact is a powerful rackmountable and portable packet capturing device for all types of speeds, enabling IT organizations to analyze, monitor and accurately record traffic without compromise – and allows permanent 24 x 7 access to 1G, 10G, 25G, 40G and 100G network media.
Packet Capture Solution
PacketGrizzly, an industry-leading, modular packet capture and analysis solution, enables real-time and post-event analysis in networks at speeds up to 100Gbps.
PacketGrizzly gives network administrators the ability to identify network and application performance problems in 1/10/25/40/100 Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11ac WLAN, VoIP and Video-over-IP networks.